Welcome to Remodel Cafe!


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Cost vs Value
Very informative. Great idea to present in a “good, better, best” approach. Gives those looking to remodel an idea of what to expect for their expenditure and potential return. Not heard that done by anyone else locally. Congrats!

Very informative, thorough & entertaining. Will greatly improve customer expectations and understanding of the process. Danny Sturdevan’s experience, expertise and real life examples were a huge plus.

Greatest ever!!!
General Contractors have a reputation for not finishing or having sub-contractors that suck… NOT here! Vince Thompson has an extremely good reputation, and this podcast is one of my FAVORITES!!!!!! Thank you, Vince!

Always fun and interesting talks!

Great info
Valuable info for figuring out if I want to DIY projects or not. As a new real estate investor this episode will be helpful to me.