Vince educates us on all things decks as well as patios... he provides all kinds of tips, tricks & ideas that the home owner may or may not have thought of to improve upon their project
What happens when your remodel project goes poorly? What happens if contractors don't finish the project? What recourse do you have, if any? Tune in to this episode to learn ways to avoid these situations or resolve them if y...
Vince share many ways a homeowner can use our property or home to increase revenue. If you're looking for a side hustle that may make sense to you... don't miss this episode. He shares more ways than you can imagine to increa...
this episode covers all major factors involved in remodeling... from contracts to clean up. Vince talks about both sides of remodeling from contractor AND consumer perspective. This is a terrific episode for those considerin...
After a brief holiday sabbatical, we are back. This episode is becoming a common dilemma for home owners regarding the question; "do i remodel or sell?" If you, or someone you know, is at this crossroad... this is a terrific...
Vince covers what contracts contain and what the consumer should look out for... this may not be the most exciting topic but it is extremely important for the consumer to arm themselves on dealing with contracts... in lay ter...
On this episode, Vince has a guest on, Katie Pipkin, and the two of them talk all things design. They cover many do's & don'ts for consumers to know. They even touch on some design ideas, tips & tricks so tune in!
Vince & his guest, Danny Sturdevan, discuss mistakes homeowners make when remodeling... and how to avoid potentially costly mistakes. Loads of tips & ideas in this episode.
Vince has April Timko from Knoxville's Habitat for Humanity on the show. We learn about Habitat for Humanity, understanding what they really do & don't do for people as well as discover ways to come along side them.
This is a special Halloween episode where Vince takes us through a series of area homes that each have a history to scare even the doubters. It's a fun episode coupled with quite a bit of nostalgia & history... as well as so...
This week we dive in deep to plumbing in the home. Vince & his guest, Pete Sanders talk all things plumbing in the home. From tips & tricks to practical advice to know about your plumbing in the home.
Vince speaks with financial coach, Karen Ford, about everything financial. Listen in to learn about many aspects of money, investing, buying real estate, saving money, money and marriage, etc. They especially speak about fin...
Vince & his guest, Jonathan, discuss real estate & how it relates to remodeling today. Great episode for those buying, selling & remodeling.
Discussions occur here on types of agents and what to look for... as well as discussions on types of homeowners insurance coverage. Great tips are brought up such as whether to add extended replacement or guaranteed replaceme...
Very informative episode which speaks to many components to discern whether specific remodels can improve property value as well as allow you to recoup the investment. There are so many variables to consider when remodeling, ...
Great episode that covers navigating the give & take of working with a contractor to get your best desired results. This covers many factors toward the steps needed even before the project begins. This episode has guest, Dan...
Vince shares tons of tips & tricks on Summer Home Maintenance. He provides sound advice that can prevent larger issues that actually do require a contractor.
the ten top tips on contractors, including do's & don't's as to what works & what doesn't. Not all contractors are the same. Vince also reviews teh best ways to interact with your contractor once you pick one. Avoid the pit...
Tips & Vince'isms on the do's & don'ts on contractor discernment, project scope, reality vs reality TV, bargain shopping... and so much more. You will also hear about costs of materials & labor as well as how to best intera...
when hiring a GC, what should you expect? Vince goes through multiple types of companies, demonstrating pros/cons for both.
Fair Pricing & Contracting don't always go hand in hand... but they can be. How is it defined in the contracting world... how to get fair pricing as the home owner... along with a series of tips & tools when interviewing you...
Vince takes us through a series of questions to guide us on teh choiuce of being a DIY'er OR hiring a contractor. This is invaluable information no matter which you choose to do as Vince takes us through these, step by step. ...
Vince takes us through a series of questions to guide us on teh choiuce of being a DIY'er OR hiring a contractor. This is invaluable information no matter which you choose to do as Vince takes us through these, step by step. ...